SEVDAH NIGHT | Arsenal Zadar


Unique concert program entitled “Sevdah in Lisinski” this year celebrates its anniversary in the always sold-out hall Lisinski in Zagreb will be held for the tenth, jubilee road. Replay of this concert will be held a few days later in Zadar, November 13th starting at 20 o’clock in Arsenal.

Eminent singers of sevdaha who will gather at the upcoming concert will perform beautiful sevdalinka songs – Bosnian, traditional and urban love songs.

Nedzad Salković, known as the “Prince of sevdah” will perform all the great songs from theit culture.  Other perfomators are: Enes Begovic, Reuf Feković, Olivia Lewis, Vesna Hadzic, and Azra Husarkić.

Singers will accompany the superb orchestra maestro Dinko Mujanovic.