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Hit comedy- ‘BRAČNI (S)PROVOD’

First Zadar Wine Festival

First Zadar Wine Festival in Dalmatia 31.01.2017.-01.04.2017. in ilirija’s event venue- Arsenal. The tickets fot this happening you can buy at the entrance of Arsenal 31.01.2017 […]


Promotion of the book “Ljubav plavog mjeseca”

“Ljubav plavog mjeseca”  (Love of the blue moon)  is a novel which is written from love, for love and to LOVE. Promotion of the book will […]

Oliver Dragojević & Dupini

TRADITIONAL EASTER IN ARSENAL WITH OLIVER DRAGOJEVIĆ In Arsenal, 16.04.2017. at 21.00h is concert of croatian music legend- Oliver Dragojević and Dupini. Tickets are available in […]

Parni Valjak

Croatian rock band Parni Valjak is coming 24th of February in Arsenal. One of the biggest and most popular Croatian rock band is preparing spectacle for […]