Don’t stop us now cause we’re having such a good times! Jedan od 3 najbolja tribute to Queen benda u svijetu dolazi u ilirijin Arsenal u sklopu VA”KA”NZA-e 12.08.2016.!

Queen Real Tribute nastao je u travnju 2005. godine. Jedan od najpoznatijih “tribute” bendova grupe Queen čine prije svega strastveni fanovi britanskog četverca, ali i profesionalni glazbenici koji su tijekom svoje karijere svirali s mnogim poznatim zvijezdama.

U nizu njihovih nastupa posebno se ističu tri turneje u Brazilu 2010., 2013. i 2015. godine u okviru kojih su odsvirali preko 50 koncerata i osvojili titulu “Najbolji Queen Tribute bend na cijelom svijetu”. Također, brojni su nastupi po festivalima širom Evrope kao i koncerti na službenim Queen konvencijama.

Osim odlične svirke i energije, identičnih instrumenata i opreme koju su koristili originalni članovi velikog Queen-a, Queen Real Tribute krase i sjajni kostimi.

Show must go on, We are the champions, I want to break free, We will rock you, Radio Ga Ga, Bohemian rhapsody… su samo neki od legendarnih hitova koje ćete imati prilike čuti i osjetiti dio Queen magije u Ilirijinom Arsenalu!

Osim besprijekornih glazbenih izvedbi, ovaj koncert krasit će nastup i repertoar identičan onome iz 1986.godine na Wembleyu!

Pridružite se ovom pravom glazbenom spektaklu i potražite svoje ulaznice na www.eventim.hr i na ovlaštenim prodajnim mjestima Eventima.




Don’t stop us now cause we’re having such a good times! One of the 3 best tribute band of the Queen in the world comes in Arsenal within VA”KA”NZA 12.08.2016.!

Queen Real Tribute was formed in April 2005. One of the most famous “tribute” bands Queen consists above all passionate fans of the British fours, but also professional musicians who during his career played with many famous stars.

In a series of their performances particularly stand out three tours in Brazil 2010, 2013 and 2015, during which they played more than 50 concerts and earned the title “The best Queen tribute band in the world”. Also, there are numerous performances at festivals throughout Europe as well as concerts at the official Queen conventions.

In addition to excellent performances and energy, identical instruments and equipment used by the original members of the great Queen, the Queen Real Tribute decorated with bright costumes.

Show must go on, We are the champions, I want to break free, We Will Rock You, Radio Ga Ga, Bohemian rhapsody … are just some of the legendary hits that you will have the opportunity to hear and feel the magic of the Queen in Arsenal!

In addition to impeccable musical performance, this concert will host performance and repertoire identical to that of 1986 at Wembley!

Join this great musical spectacle and see your tickets on www.eventim.hr and at authorized retail locations of Eventim.


Let’s rock and don’t forget:

“The bigger, the better; in everything” (Freddie Mercury)